28 September 2012

Interesting days coming!

It seems that my human and my little human are going to be spending some time learning/teaching photography! And I am one of the subjects! I am going to be more famous than I already am!!

Apparently Oreo is going to be a subject too!

My human is the photographer/owner for TigerEye Freelance Photography and she is teaching my little human the ropes for the next year! And apparently any money that my little human earns, goes into her bank so she can spend it or save it!! (I hope she buys me plenty of juicy tender steaks cut into bite sized pieces!)

I'm still not sure I really like the idea of being followed by two cameras instead of the usual one! But I can consider posing!

On a different note - my other human, he did good for me! He brought me home some fresh raw meat! Mmmmm! Yum! And Oreo decided that he needed to eat dried paint! Daft dog!

I'm still trying to encourage my humans to open the lizard pen and let me in! They say that lizards are bad for me - but I don't believe them! They look like tasty little morsels! And on the subject of food! - My human - she did a miracle and found me some baby spinach leaves!! MMmm my favourite!

Ooops! I need to go - my human wants her computer back!

Master Razin

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