23 September 2012

The truth of the matter...

Mr Biscuit seems to think he knows about everything that happens inside the house! He is such a daft animal!

It is true that my carer snuggles next to me at night! She says I help to keep her warm! She also thanks me for my cuddles!

When I came to live here I was a scared little kitten, but that was then and now I am strong and brave!

I bet Oreo didn't tell you about the time I put him in his place - literally!! He was being his normal slobbering annoying self... So I decided to teach him a lesson! I tossed him onto his back! "The boss" as Oreo calls my carer, laughed and laughed, so I repeated the performance for her enjoyment! Oreo went and sulked because I flipped him onto his back, not once, but twice!

I believe that my place in the family is to stop the dog getting too big for his boots! He thinks that all I do is sleep all day... But that is not the entire truth. Yes I do have the privilege to lounge around, but I also have the duty of keeping rats and mice at bay. And keeping the lizards in line! And not to forget, checking on the fish, shrimp and yabbies! I also have other house hold duties - like testing the furniture and the humans for weaknesses and vulnerabilities! And occasionally interrupting communications!

Each day at work is long and can be very strenuous!

Enjoy your day. Thank you for reading.
Master Razin!

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